Hey there and thanks for stopping in! The beauty of Medium is that it connects all kinds of people, whether you write professionally or just need an outlet to share your thoughts and ideas.

I'm a copywriter for mission-minded nonprofits and local businesses. I'm on a mission to help local businesses reach customers who will love their products. Many local businesses are so busy being great at what they do. But they don't implement the things that will bring in more customers. I help them do that with marketing words and strategy.

But—like you—I need an outlet for my own thoughts too. Enter Medium. Here is where I'll write about life, business, motherhood, marketing, etc.

Some fun facts about me: My favorite book is "one thousand gifts" by Ann Voskamp. I consume lots of locally roasted coffee and crunchy toast. I've been obsessing over the idea of flipping pop-up campers. I'm sure you'll hear about it here if I do.

Have you published on Medium lately? What have you shared?

Nicole Wells

Nicole Wells

In life >wife, mom, lover of Creator & humans. In business >I help local businesses reach more customers with marketing words. Learn more at wellscopy.com